A story of lesbian world-builders, Outliers and Outlaws uncovers the fabulous history of a large and vibrant lesbian community in Eugene, Oregon.
Women who migrated to this small town in the 1960s-80s candidly share stories about the power of courageous and creative world-building. Through intimate portraits—both then and now—they show us how to live in hard times with hope, humor, and commitment to social change.
Sunday, February 2
2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Straub Hall, Room 156, UO campus
This showing is FREE. Straub Hall Room 156 has more than 500 seats and is fully accessible. Parking in university lots is free on the weekend. See more details about Straub Hall and a map to the room here.
A Q&A with Director Courtney Hermann, Producer Judith Raiskin, and film subjects will follow the documentary.
Cosponsored by Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Center for the Study of Women in Society, the University of Oregon Division of Equity and Inclusion, Oregon Humanities Center’s Endowment for Public Outreach in the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities, and the Museum of Natural and Cultural History.