Learn and play from home—museum style! Preschoolers and their adults can join us online for our popular Little Wonders program, featuring stories, hands-on activities, and more. April showers bring May flowers, but how do flowers spread their pollen? Join us as we discover the wonderful world of pollinators. 



The Honeybee book cover, showing a colorful illustration of a smiling bee buzzing amongst the flowers

Book Suggestion
We recommend checking out these books from your local library: The Honeybee by Kirsten Hall and Isabelle Arsenault, and Little Green by Keith Baker.  

The Be a Bee activity, showing a flower template and a green bowl full of colorful crayons


Be a Bee!
Use your imagination to do a bee's job of spreading pollen from flower to flower. Our easy-to-follow guide and flower template will help you along! 

Flower dissection activity

Dissecting Flowers
Following these simple instructions, little ones can explore the parts of a flower and search for pollen.

A coffee filter that's been colored and scrunched in the center to look like a butterfly, next to a bee made from black and yellow pipe cleaners

Build a Butterfly (or a Bee)
Use this guide to make your own pollinator. 

A cotton ball that's been saturated with chalk is used to simulate a pollinator who's been saturated with pollen

Pollinator Painting
In this activity, you can try moving pollen from one flower to another, just like pollinators do!

Please note: The University of Oregon has no control over the content offered by third party websites. Parents and guardians should monitor the online activities of their children to ensure the content is age appropriate and to ensure the safety of their children.

More online family fun

More Little Wonders Online