Nominations for the Oregon Stewardship Award must be submitted electronically between January 27 and March 09, 2025. Before completing the nomination form, confirm that your nominated project aligns with the museum’s mission to inspire stewardship of our collective, past, present, and future, and that this alignment is clearly demonstrated within your nomination.

The Museum Advisory Council's taskforce considers the unique efforts of each organization or individual as substantive areas of review for this award, be they established enterprises or new grassroots efforts. The Oregon Stewardship Award values uplifting distinct, creative, and resilient projects, highlighting lesser-known histories, and enhancing diverse dialogue.

The taskforce may validate statements within applications to substantiate authenticity.

If you have questions or need help filling out the form, please reach out to Ruth Hyde at

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Is your information different from the information above?
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1. Please provide a brief description of the organization you are nominating. If the nominee is an individual, please provide a short bio and explain the person's connection to the project (100 words or fewer)
2. Description of the project and why it is or was needed (the project must be ongoing or completed during the last calendar year, January through December) (200 words or fewer)
3. What favorable effect has the project had on the community? (200 words or fewer)
4. How does this project align with the museum’s mission to inspire stewardship of our collective past, present, and future? (200 words or fewer)
5. Use this space for any supporting project websites, news articles, or additional information. (Please limit to 4 weblinks.)