For thousands of years, Native Americans have used science and engineering to create tools, homes, clothing, and more—passing this knowledge down through generations. In fact, many technologies that were invented long ago are still being used today. Explore artifacts designed by Oregon’s first engineers and try out your own engineering skills!
Engineering through Time is also available in Spanish



Engineer It! Exploring Ancient Technologies
Join us on a recent visit to Jewett Elementary School, where a class of second graders got a glimpse into Northwest Native history and learned about Oregon's first engineers.    


Engineering Challenge: Design a Boat
Fun for all ages, this activity challenges you to create, test, and improve your boat design again and again. Download our step-by-step guide and start designing!


Engineering Challenge: Design a Shelter
Download our easy-to-follow guide and design a house, shelter, or other structure out of limited materials.

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Oregon Artifacts 
People have been living in Oregon for over 14,000 years. Stories of their diverse cultures are preserved in the objects people used and valued. Explore a sample of artifacts from the exhibit Oregon—Where Past is Present. What stories do you think these objects tell about Oregon's peoples and history?  

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Archaeology Detectives
An archaeologist is a scientist who studies clues about people who lived in the past. The clues they study are called artifacts, which are objects that people made or used. Learn more about archaeology and artifacts using our word challenge and artifact matching game. You can check your work using the answer keys below. 

Imagine you're an archaeologist from the future. Find some objects in your home and examine them as artifacts. What do these objects tell you about how you live, your hobbies and daily activities, the climate you live in, or the kinds of food you eat?   

Ask an adult in your family to tell you about an object they used in the past but that is no longer used today. Why did people stop using this type of object? 

Word challenge answer key     
Matching game answer key

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Ancient Technologies in Action 
Traditional technologies are alive and well among Oregon Tribes. Learn about the technologies used for clam harvesting by the Coquille Indian Tribe; explore the important role of canoes among the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians; and join the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde for a celebration of their plankhouse, achaf-hammi


Explore our other at-home adventures.

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